Sharpening the Pencil

It’s been 4 months since I posted “Daily Musings”, in which I said I would start writing for 30-45 min/day, ha. Oh well. I do write thoughts down in my Notes… they’re like little seeds, though. Never sprout them and see if they grow.

Time Management is hard. The insane number of decisions we make every single day on how to spend our time ultimately drives what we become, and I just realized that in the last year, after letting my time go all over the place for 34 years. How crazy is that?

I wrote up a “North Star” document a while ago, which is generally pretty good. I will post that here. But something that just occurred to me, which I think would be the focus of this post if I were to re-organize and make it actually appealing to read would be…

What can I do that will effect change in the world? That will meaningfully contribute to humanity? If I can change the lives of multiple people for the better, through value I create, then I will have “advanced” something forward. This is the real “North Star” of how I decide to spend my time. Ok, so what does that mean in practice?

I think it means:
IF {
I believe that I have ideas, narratives, storytelling abilities, or whatever that might be powerful enough to influence people,
I should focus spending my time:
* on writing as a skill to develop
* publishing as a form of output
* obtaining feedback on published writing for development

IF {
I believe that I have insight into a particular domain or business venture,
I should focus spending my time:
* enhancing my knowledge in that domain
* building a business around delivering value in that domain
* iterating and analyzing on that business to ensure it is viable/scalable

Basically the idea being that whatever it is I judge to be the way in which I am most likely to influence/help/deliver value to the world, I should be spending my time developing myself in that space. Because it is how I can transform myself from an ineffective generality to a pointed, meaningful specific. Like sharpening a pencil.

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